June 29, 2018 - Photos - GRSM NP - Andrews Bald Hike

Today's Travel Map
Today's Hiking Map
Click HERE to learn more about Andrews Bald Hike

Sunrise along park road near Sugarland Visitor Center

Newfound Gap Road toward Clingman Dome Road

Right turn to Clingmans Dome...7 miles long

Views heading up Clingmans Dome Road

 The paved trail goes to the Clingman Dome Tower.

Forney Ridge Trail to Andrews Bald 
goes to the left of the orange cone.

The trail goes down....
before leveling off .

It's a narrow, but very pretty walk.
With less than a mile to Andrews Bald,
several trails cross. 
We continued straight ahead...
Then begins a rocky and slight uphill hike to the bald.

Arriving at Andrews Bald

We wanted to see the Flame Azaleas.
At the right time, the bald is covered in blooms.
We were about a week late...
But we did manage to find a few remaining blooms!!!

Time to head back......

What came down... must go up ;o((
A bit of a workout, but a wonderful hike!!!


  1. Looks like a very nice hike and great views. Glad you saw at least a few blooms. Flame azalea is David's absolute favorite flower. Can't even imagine an area covered in them. So sorry you missed it.

  2. A bit of a workout? That trail looked like it would challenge even a Marine. Oh wait, it did! :c)

  3. OMG, the sunrise along park road near Sugarland Visitor Center looks phenomenal! I am usually too lazy to wake up that early :)
