Changing Weather–Thursday–January 3, 2013

We got up early, as usual, and headed out for our walk in the much cooler weather.  We had a little mist, but no real rain.  We each had shorts on and donned a sweatshirt…we were comfortable.  Time would change that!!

Our walk took us down to the Spring where we saw a huge school of Mullets.
03 - Springs  04 - Clear water and mullets
We saw lovely ferns, a ripe orange tree and beautiful flowers!
05 - lovely ferns  06 - ripe Orange Tree  07 - beautiful flower
There was a group of Black Vultures harassing a turtle. 
Nancy scared them off so the turtle escaped:o))
08 Black Vulture 09 - Turtle  10 - Turtle Escape
We just never know what we might see during our morning walk!
01 - Bear Swamp Trail Sign
  After breakfast, we decided to hike
  The Bear Swamp Trail— a one mile loop trail 
  right here at Salts Springs.   
It is a lovely walk in the woods along a very nice boardwalk,
past tall pines and beautiful palms!
11 - Hike  12 - Tall Pines
13 - Boardwalk  14 - Palms
After that, I suggested we attempt to find the 4 geocaches I had loaded in my GPS unit.  All four of them were within a mile of the Motorhome:o))  Off we went, retracing parts of our morning walk.  Only one problem—all the geocaches I had entered were outside the park—OOPS!!  MY BAD!! Of course, I got one of those funny looks from Nancy.  You guys all know the look, —“You really didn’t check that out, did you??” look,  all without saying a word!!

After our imaginary geocaching trip the temperatures dropped and it started to rain off and on for the rest of the day.  Nancy worked inside baking bread and corn chips.  I visited with the neighbors who got their Sea Eagles delivered today.  They got the same kayak we have, a Sea Eagle 370. 
15 - Ron and Terri new kayak 
  Ron and Terry checking parts and

16 - Jerry and Pam new kayak
Jerry and Pam getting the kayak ready to roll:o))
I answered questions and made suggestions as well as sharing the great experiences we have had with our kayak.  The rain kept them from taking their maiden voyage today.  But hopefully tomorrow afternoon, we can all get out on the Spring Run and see the Manatees again!!

When I got back to the motorhome, Nancy was preparing dinner…soup and homemade bread;o))  Perfect meal for this cold, wet and less than perfect weather day!!


  1. I get so frustrated when those geocaches go mobile and move around from where you thought they were supposed to be.

  2. We have had lots of cold and wet. Hope we all get warm and sunny soon!

  3. We've been cold and wet this week too! What's up with that?
    All we've eaten this week has been soup and/or chili :) Good comfort food.

  4. Sounds like another sea eagle rigatta in the making. Way to go for rescuing the turtle Nancy. I would have done the same thing. I take it the vultures are still hanging out at the end of the dock.

  5. We've had one dreary day but the rest of have sunny! Can't wait for the temps we're supposed to get in a few days!
